Postpartum Project | Mama S

Mama S + H

"I remember January 6, 2017 like it was yesterday. The day before I had been to my last doctors appointment and I was already having contractions and was 1 centimeter dilated. I went about my day and the contractions became more intense and regular so I went to the hospital and they checked me in and we waited. My official due date was January 6, 2017. We spent the night with family by our side as I slowly breathed through every contraction until I could get the epidural which couldn’t come fast enough. January 6, 2017 came and that morning, we had discussed with our doctor our birth plan. My heart was pounding and the only thing I wanted was to finally hold my baby boy in my arms. I began to push around 1230 that afternoon. I was so exhausted and had no energy because I hadn’t slept the night before. In the middle of pushing, his heart rate started to drop and I had not had the energy to push anymore. The next few moments happened so fast. I was being wheeled through the double doors to have an emergency C section: something I had not even thought of before this moment. The next thing I remember was waking up in my room with my husband beside me and my brand new baby boy being placed on my chest. We welcomed baby H at 1:57 PM on January 6, 2017 and my life was forever changed. Our bodies can do wonderful things and make little miracles and I thank God every day for allowing me to be a mother and share in unconditional love. "

Hours in labor: 25


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